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Visual for "Orët e Malit" zine

"Orët e Malit" Zine

Orët e Malit is an art zine born from a two-week workshop with a group of young artists and illustrators. Inspired by Albanian mythology and the mystical figures of the mountain spirits, this publication blends risograph printing techniques with a creative process deeply connected to nature and humanity’s relationship with it.
Visual for 2025 Calendar

Calendar 2025

Our calendar for 2025 is handmade and printed in RISO with soy-based ink. RISO printing is a sustainable and energy efficient print process. Each print may vary slightly, making each one-off and unique. Offsetting may occur, the imperfections we think add charm.  
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Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Tirana Office
New Destil Creative Hub, 3rd Floor
Zogu I Boulevard, 24/2
1016 Tirana

Mob.: +355 69 608 3302

E-Mail: info@al.boell.org