Heinrich Böll Stiftung
The Heinrich Böll Stiftung is a German political foundation close to the German Green Party. The foundation sees itself as an agency for green ideas and projects, and international network with partner projects in around 60 countries. Its primary task is political education in Germany and abroad - to promote democratic will, socio-political commitment and international understanding. It is guided by the basic political values of ecology, democracy, solidarity and non-violence.
What the foundation is particularly interested on is the realization of a democratic society and gender democracy* - as a relationship of the genders that is free of dependence and domination. In addition, the foundation promotes art and culture as an element of its educational political work and as an expression of social self-understanding. As a political foundation, Heinrich Böll Stiftung acts independently; this also applies in respect to our relationship with the German Green Party.
We are a Green Think Tank
- We promote democratic reforms and social innovation.
- We work on ecological policies and sustainable development on a global level.
- We provide space for the presentation of and debate on art and culture.
- We transfer knowledge and skills from experts to political actors.
- We provide a forum for open debate and promote dialogue between politics, business, academia, and society.
- We support talented students active on socio-political issues both in Germany and abroad.
- We document the history of the Green movement in order to promote research and provide political inspiration.
We are an international Policy Network
- We are part of the global Green network and promote the development of the Green political movement on all continents.
- We focus especially on the broadening and deepening of the European Green movement.
- We work actively for the development of a political European public.
- We support the participation of civil society in politics and, within the framework of multilateral organisations, take part in conferences and negotiations.
We are active in Ecology, Democracy and Human Rights around the world
- We consider ecology and democracy to be inseparable. We therefore support individuals and projects that are committed to ecology, human rights, democracy, and self-determination.
- We support respect for the rule of law and democratic participation in all parts of the world.
- We promote the abolition of conditions of dominance, dependency, and violence between the sexes.
- We consider ethnic and cultural diversity to be an essential part of democratic culture.
- We encourage civic and civil-society activism.
- We train activists so that they can successfully self-organise and participate in political processes.
Political foundations
German political foundations are a distinctive entity in public life and international relations. Unlike the Anglo-Saxon model, these foundations operate with public funding and contribute to what is known as political education. In Germany, political education is a key public policy objective, serving as a means to promote the importance of democracy and civic participation, while also fostering democratic pluralism.
This mission is led by the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb) and complemented by the work of political foundations, each affiliated with a political party. Despite their name, most German political foundations function as associations, providing political education for citizens, supporting civil society, contributing to European integration, offering development aid, and strengthening democratic values and structures worldwide.
In the fall of 2021, the Foundation opened its new regional office in Tirana. The Foundation’s office in Tirana aims to foster communities and spaces where transformative ideas can be discussed and developed. For this purpose, the Tirana Office often brings together academics, activists, artists, cultural workers, and representatives from politics and the private sector — strengthening ties between green actors in Albania and beyond and supporting their engagement in the EU integration process.
The team of Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Tirana
Follow us on our social media
Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Tirana Office
New Destil Creative Hub, 3rd Floor
Zogu I Boulevard, 24/2
1016 Tirana
Mob.: +355 69 608 3302
E-Mail: info@al.boell.org