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What is RISO Printing?

RISO (short for Risograph) printing is a sustainable and energy-efficient printing process known for its bold colors, unique textures, and eco-friendly approach. Unlike traditional digital or offset printing, RISO uses soy-based, biodegradable inks and requires no heat during printing, significantly reducing energy consumption. Additionally, RISO machines work with stencil-based technology, which eliminates the need for toner, harsh chemicals, or excess waste during printing. These qualities make RISO especially popular among artists, designers, activists, and independent publishers, who use it to create low-cost and serialized publications such as zines, posters, art prints, and books. Because of this special printing process, each print may vary slightly, making each one-off and unique.

A shared space for creativity

Publishing in Albania isn’t easy. There’s little support, few investment opportunities, and a small book market. As a result, access to books and independent publications, especially in Albanian language is limited. This is where RISO printing comes in: a low-cost, creative, and sustainable alternative that makes publishing more accessible to artists, writers, and activists. But RISO is more than just a printing method. It’s a tool for collaboration and democratic storytelling. In Albania, where social movements and alternative spaces are often fragmented and underfunded, having a shared creative space is essential. That’s why hbs Tirana established the RISO Printing Lab—a workshop where progressive actors can experiment with self-publishing, and share ideas through print.

Our printing lab

The RISO Printing Lab is equipped with everything needed to bring creative projects to life. At its core is the RISO MH9350 machine along with:

  • five printing colours
  • an electric paper cutter
  • a folding machine
  • an eletronic stapler
  • an electric comb binding machine

With these tools, creators can produce zines, posters, books, and other experimental publications, choosing from a range of binding options.


Visual for 2025 Calendar

Calendar 2025

Our calendar for 2025 is handmade and printed in RISO with soy-based ink. RISO printing is a sustainable and energy efficient print process. Each print may vary slightly, making each one-off and unique. Offsetting may occur, the imperfections we think add charm.  
Visual for "Orët e Malit" zine

"Orët e Malit" Zine

Orët e Malit është një zine me punime artistike, e cila erdhi si rezultat i një punëtorie dy javore me një grup artistësh dhe ilustruesish të rinj. Frymëzuar nga mitologjia shqiptare dhe figurat mistike të orëve të malit, ky botim sjell një ndërthurje mes teknikave të printimit me risografi dhe një procesi krijues të frymëzuar nga natyra dhe marrëdhënia e njeriut me të.