Profesoreshë e Marrëdhënieve Ndërkombëtare në Universitetin e Lubjanës
Ana Bojinović Fenko është Profesoreshë dhe Kërkuese për Marrëdhëniet Ndërkombëtare në Universitetin e Lubjanës, Fakulteti i Shkencave Sociale.
Fushat e saj të kërkimit janë Analiza e Politikës së Jashtme, Rajonalizmi Ndërkombëtar dhe veprimi i jashtëm i BE-së. Ajo fokusohet në shtetet e vogla post-jugosllave, politikën e zgjerimit të BE-së ndaj shteteve të Ballkanit Perëndimor dhe rajonit të Mesdheut.

Titulli i Prezantimit
Regional practice of the anarchical culture in the Western Balkans: states’ role as enemy, rival, or friend
This contribution will apply Wendt’s (1999) logic of anarchical culture in international politics to the states of the Western Balkans region. Due to the historical recency of the geopolitical phenomenon and external influence in the creation of the Western Balkans region, general historical practices of international politics in the Balkans will also be considered. My contribution aims to assess the logic of culture in the Western Balkans region. Methodologically, the inter-subjective level of regional foreign policy actions and practices, will be analysed concerning their contribution to role internalisation (via fear, price or trust). The particular interest that I will focus on is the simultaneous practice of different roles, contested roles and conflictual actions by individual external and domestic states. An outcome of this contribution will offer an understanding of competing local (intra-state level), regional (inter-state level) and external (outside Western Balkans) representations of state roles and logics of anarchy in the Western Balkans region which bares relevance to non-resolved bilateral disputes, intra-state conflicts of ethnic dimensions, slow progress in EU accession process, etc.
Publikime nga Autori
Artikuj në Botime Shkencore
- with KOČAN, Faris. Re-examination of EU normative power in light of the revised enlargement methodology towards the Western Balkans. Međunarodni problemi, ISSN 0025-8555, 2022, vol. 74, no. 3, str. 411-432, ilustr., doi: 10.2298/MEDJP2203411B
- with CRNČEC, Danijel. Slovenia as a stress test of the EU%s external dimension of energy policy : case studies of Russian and American influence. Politologický časopis, ISSN 1211-3247, 2022, vol. 29, no. 1, str. 14-31, doi: 10.5817/PC2022%1%14
- 2020. With POŽGAN, Jure and KOČAN, Faris. »Never Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste«: Strengthening Eu Actorness Amid Increased Competition Of External Actors In The Western Balkans. Teorija in praksa, vol. 57, iss. 4, pp. 1124–1146.
- 2019. With OSREČKI, Albina. The (in)coherence of the EU's Mediterranean policies: analysing the effects on implementation success. Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja, vol. 28, no. 3, pp. 483-502, doi: 10.5559/di.28.3.06.
- 2019. with LOVEC, Marko, POŽGAN, Jure, CRNČEC, Danijel. Euroscepticism as a functional pretext for populism in Central and Eastern European states: the Eurozone, migration and Ukrainian crises. Teorija in praksa: revija za družbena vprašanja vol. 56, special issue, pp. 391- 417
- 2019. with LOVEC, Marko. Populism in the foreign policy of Central European states. Teorija in praksa: revija za družbena vprašanja, vol. 56, no. 4, pp. 1152-1172.
- 2017. with SVETLIČIČ, Marjan. Slovenia and the European Union. Oxford research encyclopedias, Politics. doi: 10.1093/acrefore/9780190228637.013.509
- 2016. with ŠABIČ, Zlatko, and ROTER, Petra. Small states and parliamentary diplomacy: Slovenia and the Mediterranean. Mediterranean quarterly, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 42-60.
- 2016. with LOVEC, Marko. National stereotypes as a co-determinant of bilateral relations: the case of the Western Balkans. Teorija in praksa, sep.-okt. vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 1109-1123.
Kapituj Libri
- 2022. with POŽGAN, Jure and KOČAN, Faris. European Union enlargement policy towards the Western Balkans. V: COSTA, Bruno Ferreira (ur.). Challenges and barriers to the European Union expansion to the Balkan region, (Advances in public policy and administration (APPA) book series (Online), ISSN 2475-6652). Hershey: IGI Global., pp. 91-110, doi: 10.4018/978-1- 7998-9055-3.ch005.
- 2022. with POŽGAN, Jure. From a star pupil to a troubling role model for the Western Balkans : the influence of domestic factors on the de-Europeanization of Slovenia during EU crises. V: COSTA, Bruno Ferreira% (ur.). Challenges and barriers to the European Union expansion to the Balkan region, (Advances in public policy and administration (APPA) book series (Online), ISSN 2475-6652). Hershey: IGI Global. cop., pp. 171-190, doi: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9055-3.ch009.
- 2022. With KOČAN, Faris. From integration to plurilateralism? :Slovenia and the great powers. V: KEIL, Soeren (ur.), STAHL, Bernhard (ur.). A new Eastern question? : great powers and the postYugoslav states, (Balkan politics and society, 5). Stuttgart: Ibidem. cop. pp. 225-255.
- . 2016. Slovenia: learning of (self-)governance in the conditions of Europeanisation. In: PERTUSOT, Vivien (ed.). The European Union in the fog: building bridges between national perspectives on the European Union: final report of the project "Building Bridges Between National Perspectives on the European Union". [Paris]: Institut français des relations internationales